Monday, March 23, 2009

A social experiment of my own

For previous International women’s day on March 8, I’ve done an experiment of my own. I put a board for the women to let their counterparts know whatever that is important to them. This is good for our personal advancements, mainly me. Although it was met with lukewarm responses, a thousand thanks to those who took part. These are the responses, (I’ve condensed some of them, and the board is not in best form to display.)
1. Polygamy should be abolished. Men, you will never be capable of being fair.
2. Although women fell for sweet talker, we need practical men.
3. Actions speak louder than words.
4. Be practical. -0727-
5. Don’t say that we are a burden to you.
6. You get a second chance, but that’s all you’re getting. So, behave!
7. Be more observant.
8. Kepada kaum Adam, belajarlah untuk menghargai kaum Hawa selagi dia setia disamping mu. Buang ego tu, dan jangan terlalu pentingkan diri. Be more sensitive.
9. Be matured; lead us, not the other way round. Be hygienic too. Speak out and share. Don’t ever keep your mouth shut, okay? Xoxo
10. Cukuplah satu oi. Gatal!
11. Kenape ekk?
12. Watch your language. Grow up, boys!
13. Perempuan tidak menjadi diri mereka sendiri.
14. Sekarang perempuan kan ramai, kesian kat yang lain.
Thanks yet again to those who had contributed their thoughts and honest comments. Let us absorb the lesson, and not be too critical about our counterparts as nobody is perfect. But, by realizing that allows us to strive to be a better person. Now, we all know…